Improve your smile and your oral health with our denture cleaning services!
Not only does denture cleaning help keep your dentures looking their best, but clean dentures are also an important part of maintaining your oral health and even your overall health.
How Plaque Affects Your Oral Health
Bacteria are released in your mouth every time you eat, drink, or breathe. This bacteria then creates an acidic environment that can eat away at your dental tissues and tooth enamel. Then, when this bacteria forms sticky plaque, it can adhere to your denture teeth, natural teeth, and your other oral tissues. Once this happens, there are all kinds of negative health consequences you can experience. Plaque leads to different degrees of gum disease (from gingivitis to advanced periodontal disease) but it can also contribute to other health issues throughout the rest of your body.
Bleaching Trays
A brighter, whiter smile with custom bleaching trays
If you’re using any old bleaching products or trays that weren’t built to fit exactly to your teeth, you’re not getting the most effective denture whitening solution! We offer custom bleach trays built to the unique specifications of your mouth to ensure every part of every tooth is whitened with a bleaching solution safe for denture teeth.

Plaque and Your Overall Health
Periodontal disease is associated with a variety of serious health conditions. These include:
● Heart disease
● Dementia
● Rheumatoid arthritis
● Respiratory disease
● Chronic kidney disease
● Diabetes
● Premature birth