Welcome to SB Dentures! Your trusted Penticton denture clinic.
Discover the latest denture treatments and services.
Conveniently located on Ellis Street in downtown Penticton, SB Denture Clinic offers comprehensive denture services in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Whether you’re in need of same-day denture repairs, complete dentures, dentures on implants, or any other denture services, you can rest assured you’re getting compassionate, quality denture care with us.
Get Comprehensive Denture Services Under the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)!
At SB Denture Clinic we proudly provide denture services covered by the CDCP. To learn about your eligibility and coverage, schedule a consultation with us today and ask our staff.

Learn More About Our Qualified Professional Denturist
You are in good hands at our clinic. Our denturist, Josephine Schmitz-Burchartz a SEMCD Certified Clinician, is an expert in her field, and up to date with the latest denture procedures, techniques, and quality products. She tailors her treatments to suit every patient and will guide you through a custom treatment plan just for you.
Suction Dentures
SB Dentures is proud to offer suction effective and precision equilibrated dentures. These dentures provide our patients with a more precise and secure fit thanks to the strong, effective suction mechanism that holds lower dentures in place.
Are Suction Dentures Right for You? Learn more.

Custom Denture Services
We offer a number of exciting custom dental services at SB Denture Clinic, including custom gingival staining, tattooed teeth, and gold inlays. With custom gingival staining, your dentures can look more natural than ever thanks to realistic painting or staining of the denture acrylic. This helps you further customize your dentures so they suit your skin tone and blend seamlessly with your natural dental tissues. Or, if you are looking for a fun and unique way to customize your teeth, we’re excited to offer dental tattoos that allow you to choose a custom design or artwork for a creative addition to your teeth. We are also pleased to offer gold inlays. This is also an opportunity to further customize your denture teeth.
Do you want to learn more about these and other unique denture services we offer? Call today to book your free consultation with us.
Experience the difference quality dentures can make for your smile and your life.
From our happy patients
You’re the friendliest denturist I’ve ever had – thank you.
What a difference a day makes! What a difference one person can make – putting a confident and happy smile on my face. This caring professional took my needs without hesitation, making me smile and happy, on every visit!! Especially the last one! THANK YOU!
The most professional, smartest, kindest and most thoughtful person I have ever met – and an excellent sense of humour to top it off!